July 21st, 2024 — Each week, BDH Green Party activists are involved in their local communities and active in campaign work. They also attempt to publicise their work in our local press. Here are some examples from this week.
1. Electoral reform
Our campaigner Ruth Kettle-Frisby talks to the Havering Daily about disillusionment about the choices on offer in the recent General Election, that only 20% of residents within the Romford and Hornchurch and Upminster constituencies voted for their respective MPs, and the case for electoral reform.

2. Ballot Bins
Our campaigner Mark Whiley spoke to the Romford Recorder on the case for and against ‘Ballot Bins’, a quirky way to nudge smokers into binning their cigarette butts, instead of having butts all over our streets and in our drains.

3. Libraries
The print edition of the Romford Recorder covered the Green Party campaign to Save Our Library Services extensively. We had Green Party posters visible on the front page of the Recorder at the Town Hall protest, and our campaigner Angelina Leatherbarrow was quoted in the lead story. Additionally, Mark Whiley’s letter on options that the administration could consider to save libraries was printed in the letters page.