Each month, local Green Party members and supporters meet for drinks and attend our monthly Business Meetings to discuss ongoing and new campaigns. In addition, we’ll have Action Days where we campaign to get Greens elected. Find the next dates below:

Business Meetings
Held online and open to all Green Party members (supporters may also attend, but you’ll need to contact an exec member to be sent the link). Discussions, motions and updates on our campaigns.
Typically held on the last Tuesday of the month at 8pm.
Next dates:
- 25th March
- 29th April
- 27th May
- 24th June

Held at either the Upminster Tap Room in Upminster or The Spotted Dog in Barking. All members and supporters are welcome.
Next dates: The Spotted Dog, 8pm, Tuesday 18th March.

Action Days
Whether we’re delivering leaflets or knocking on doors, it’s more fun to do it together! Our Action Days are open to members and supporters, with newcomers paired up with experienced volunteers. All sessions start with a briefing.
Next dates:
Barking Station, 11am, Saturday 15th March
Barking Station, 11am, Sunday 16th March